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Writer's pictureDani Palacio

The Last Year

Updated: Sep 17

I’ve always believed that there are no accidents. A few days ago, since life has changed, I was looking through my Facebook account and profile. I came across a post I wrote on 8/14/2023. As I read it, I was amazed and emotionally moved by all that I was feeling back then and where I am today.


I wrote about how things flow in my life. I trust the Divine plan and move in a way that may not be logical but enables me to stay true to my heart and soul. It’s funny that I can forget that reality in moments of significant change. It’s so natural that I forget it’s my ‘normal.’


I get a feeling inside me, and then I allow the Universe to show me the path, and I move. My answer is always YES to the Divine. Don’t get me wrong; I struggle and feel challenged, yet I know that it’s going to be better than I could have ever planned or understood.


Here I am, a year later.  I am no longer an Intel employee. I am living with daily grief, AND I’m feeling deep joy and pleasure.  I am body-partnered and learning to listen in new ways to the profound wisdom of my body. I choose to live in my truth and stay in my integrity as I offer my voice, perspective, experience and wisdom through A Waking Moment podcast, blogs, and social media posts. I have officially changed my business from a DBA to an LLC. Hola Amor Company, LLC is fully registered. My heart is so full of excitement and joy as I step more into my Divine Purpose.

On September 1st, I will be taking another giant leap!  It’s exciting and enables me to show up in a new way.  I’ve rented a room at Resonate Health Spa in Newberg, Oregon. My new room is on the first floor and is called the Panther Room.  Panther is an animal deeply personal to me and has guided my journey profoundly. I am excited to support people in person again!  The magic and awe of meeting face to face and connecting soul to soul enables a more profound potential for shift and healing.

Panther Meaning:

Black panthers are often considered sacred animals and guardian spirits that represent protection and spiritual energy. They can also symbolize power, darkness, death, and rebirth. Black panthers are often seen as spirit animals that represent wisdom, leadership, and courage. They can also be thought of as guides that help people through challenges and provide strength during difficult times. In dreams, Panther can symbolize the need to be vigilant in waking life, or the presence of a guardian angel protecting you from negativity. They can also suggest stepping out of your comfort zone, meeting new people, and improving communication skills.

On 8/13, I celebrated the third anniversary of closing on my house. In those three years, I’ve questioned why I moved to Newberg and asked if I was meant to stay here. I’ve longed for community and missed city living. And now, I’m opening a private practice, and I’m thrilled.  Sometimes, the answer finds you!

The Divine had me meet Sunnie Brown, owner of Resonate Health Spa.  I met Sunnie soon after moving to Newberg.  I believe it was her holiday party, and I wanted to support a woman living her dreams.  She’s been a grounding force for me.  When I received a message from Spirit to create a Gathering for like-minded people to come together to build community, Sunnie offered her space for us to meet. She has been kind, generous and gracious, so I am overjoyed to join her space!

I'll be sharing more about this journey and stepping out into the world in a new way. Thank you for your love and support. In this life, I am blessed to have family and friends who see the very best in me and encourage me to share it with others.

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